Elect Adam Smith


Statement from Congressman Smith on passage of H.R. 1January 1, 2018

Washington D.C. – Congressman Adam Smith’s statement on the House passage of H.R. 1.

“The Republicans’ final tax bill affirmed my opposition to this dangerous proposal. Today’s vote increased the deficit by a staggering $1.5 trillion, which overwhelmingly benefits the rich and corporations at a time when we are running historic deficits and wealth is concentrated at the top. This bill was so partisan and poorly constructed, and the process so lacking, that Senate parliamentary rules required provisions to be dropped at the last minute, which required the House to vote on the bill twice.

This measure endangers Medicare and other mandatory programs, leaving them susceptible to drastic cuts that will hurt ordinary Americans. It will throw our health care system into chaos and even harms our environment by opening up the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge up for oil drilling. This bill set our government on an extremely irresponsible path and its negative effects will be felt by generations to come.”

Congressman Smith Decries Republican’s Reckless Actions Endangering Mandatory ProgramsDecember 18, 2017

“As Republicans in Congress continue to push their reckless tax cuts, they put at risk crucial agencies and programs, such as the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), military pensions, and Medicare. In addition to massively benefiting the wealthy and corporations, as well as reducing revenue by more than a trillion dollars, the tax bill endangers important mandatory spending priorities on which middle class and working Americans rely.

“In 2010, to help reign in deficit spending, Congress passed what is known as a PAYGO law, requiring that the legislation enacted during a session of Congress not increase the deficit under threat of automatic cuts. Because of its imbalance, the Republican tax bill risks triggering these automatic and across-the-board PAYGO cuts to critical mandatory spending programs. In a strikingly disingenuous statement, the Senate Majority Leader and Speaker of the House have asserted that the PAYGO cuts to mandatory programs that will be triggered by their tax bill ‘will not happen’ for some unspecified and seemingly miraculous reason. Either Republicans have a way to skirt the law that they haven’t shared, or their tax bill is going to trigger the automatic cuts. Both scenarios are terrible for the middle class.

“Empty rhetoric is not enough, and Republicans’ irresponsible disregard for the consequences of their actions is dangerous. I continue to oppose the Republican tax bill and the damage it will inflict on the future of our economy and our country.”

Congressman Smith Opposes Concealed Carry Reciprocity ActDecember 14, 2017

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Smith released the following statement in opposition to H.R.38, the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act:  

“The Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act is a dangerous bill that would supersede concealed carry laws in states across the country. In a stark departure from current reciprocity standards, this legislation will force states with strict concealed carry laws to recognize the lowest common denominator. As written, this bill would allow citizens from some states to carry firearms nearly unrestricted in any state in the country, while only requiring a driver’s license. With gun violence on the rise in America, the act of Congress injecting more firearms into public spaces, while weakening both state and federal statutes, is irresponsible.

“Unfortunately, Republicans have chosen to include language in this bill that makes marginal improvements to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). While changes to NICS reporting standards are needed, these benefits do not outweigh the danger posed by the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act. We need to be working together to enact sensible firearm safety reforms, including universal background checks on all purchases as well as bolstering our mental health care across the country. This is a step in the wrong direction.”

Smith Statement on President Trump’s Decision to Recognize Jerusalem as the Capital of IsraelDecember 12, 2017

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Smith released the following statement in response to President Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel:

“Since its formation in 1948, the nation of Israel has been under near constant threat. I strongly support Israel, and have advocated for robust U.S. engagement to help ensure their security. It is critical that we continue to press for a comprehensive two-state agreement that creates durable states for both the Israeli and Palestinian people. Long-term peace is a goal that has long eluded all parties, however it is critical that we not lose sight.

“The President’s decision today to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel will not help advance this goal, and will only serve to increase regional instability. Ultimately the U.S. gains nothing from this announcement, and this Administration has chosen to further isolate itself from our global allies. There is no reason that the President could not choose to sign an additional waiver preventing the U.S. Embassy’s move to Jerusalem, and the damage this does to any ongoing negotiations will be significant.”

Smith Introduces Bill Establishing “No First Use” Policy for Nuclear WeaponsNovember 21, 2017

Washington, D.C. – Today, House Armed Services Committee Ranking Member Adam Smith (D-WA) introduced a bill that would make it the policy of the United States not to use nuclear weapons first. Smith released the following statement about the bill:

“The United States should not use nuclear arms in a first strike. They are instruments of deterrence, and they should be treated as such. A declaratory policy of not using nuclear weapons first will increase strategic stability, particularly in a crisis, reducing the risk of miscalculation that could lead to an unintended all-out nuclear war. Paired with our reliable, survivable, assured nuclear deterrent, which is second to none, we retain nuclear forces that would inflict devastating retaliation against any nuclear attack against the United States or its allies.”

“We have prevented the use of nuclear weapons in war for 72 years. We must continue working to ensure they will not be employed by taking steps to increase strategic stability, stem the incentives for nuclear proliferation and reduce the likelihood that these weapons will be used irresponsibly in a conflict.”

Smith Opposes Republican Tax BillNovember 17, 2017

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Adam Smith released the following statement on the tax plan marked-up by the House Ways and Means Committee this week:  

“Our country’s federal government is already massively in debt and cannot sustain the tax cut President Trump and the Republicans are proposing. It is both bad economic and fiscal policy to be debating a $1.5 trillion tax bill at a time when we are already $20 trillion in debt and running deficits of nearly $700 billion.  With deficits already projected to rise for the foreseeable future, this bill will have devastating impacts on our national debt and the priorities that the constituents of my district have made clear they support. We need to be able to invest in our education system, repair highways and bridges, support healthy children and families, advance scientific innovations and research, and provide for homeland security and our national defense.

“History has shown that cutting taxes does not increase revenues or grow the economy. We raised taxes in the early 1990’s, and the country experienced strong economic growth. In contrast, we slashed taxes in the early 2000’s which led to ten years of sluggish economic progress, a ballooning debt, and diminished investment in the economy.  Drastic cuts like the one we will be voting on in the coming days will cause serious risks to the future health of our economy.”

Smith Statement on Republican Tax BillNovember 10, 2017

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Adam Smith released the following statement in response to the tax bill released by House Republicans: 

“The Republican tax plan released today is disastrous for American workers and middle class families. Instead of having an honest discussion about our federal budget, House Republicans are attempting to force a partisan bill that will hurt millions of middle class Americans, only to give tax cuts to corporations and the wealthiest among us. This tax plan illustrates how far out of touch the Republicans are with the needs of the American people.

“Republican’s overly optimistic claims are deeply disingenuous. Their plan will cost Americans $1.5 trillion, or more, and is only partially paid for by eliminating credits and deductions that working and middle class Americans rely on to make ends meet. The cuts in this bill, and the debt increases that they will exacerbate, will not help families or spur job creation. With federal revenues already significantly reduced by the Bush-era tax cuts, this misguided tax plan will further constrain our ability to grow the economy for everyone. To cut taxes for those that do not need it, following trillions of dollars of tax breaks over the past decade and a half, continues to take us in the wrong direction.”

Congressman Smith Statement on Budget VoteOctober 31, 2017

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Adam Smith released the following statement after voting against the budget passed by the House of Representatives today:

“Today’s budget vote is the height of irresponsibility. The resolution passed today is not a legitimate budget. It is the vehicle for reckless tax cuts that will drive up the deficit and overwhelmingly benefit the wealthiest Americans.  Tax cuts for the rich will do little to stimulate our economy or help the middle class. Since 2001, the Bush tax cuts have cost us trillions in lost revenue, and produced virtually no economic growth. Another tax cut now will only further jeopardize our economic and national security. Republicans are not sincere about reforming our tax code to help the middle class – their tax framework shows their priority is helping the few at the top.

“We have real fiscal issues that need to be addressed. We have skyrocketing debt and insufficient investment in priorities such as education, infrastructure, and nutrition assistance. Crafted without Democratic input, the Republican budget bill is a clear attack on those critical programs that working families, veterans, and seniors rely on. The trillions of dollars of tax cuts Republicans are pushing through Congress will only serve to increase the rampant inequality that is already on the rise in our country.”

Congressman Smith Introduces Legislation to Protect Airport Communities from Ultrafine ParticlesOctober 30, 2017

Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman Smith introduced the Protecting Airport Communities from Particle Emissions Act. Recent studies have indicated that ultrafine particles (UFPs) from a variety of sources could have detrimental impacts on human health. In recognition that communities located near airports could be more likely to be exposed to aviation-related particle pollution, Congressman Smith introduced this legislation to require a national study on ultrafine particles to help direct policy and solutions to improve the quality of life for local communities.

The full extent of health impacts resulting from UFPs has not been completely examined. Because of their structure and size, these particles can enter deep into the lungs and find their way into the blood stream. There are many sources that contribute to the rise of UFPs, including congested roadways, industrial emissions, as well as air travel. The health effects that can arise from UFPs include aggravation of heart and lung disease as well as asthma. These damaging health impacts can result in increased hospital admissions.

The act will ensure that affected localities across the country, including the communities surrounding Sea-Tac International Airport in Washington state, have access to information about the health risks of UFPs. It will direct the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Administrator to compile existing data from previous research and then conduct an original study on UFP prevalence around the twenty largest airports in the country. This will lead to a better understanding of how nearby communities are exposed to UFPs and the adverse health impacts associated with them. In addition, the study will also evaluate whether biofuel use at airports could contribute to reduced UFP emissions.

The bill requires coordination between the FAA, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to study the rates of exposure to UFPs and adverse health impacts that communities of color, economically insecure residents, vulnerable individuals, and other disparately impacted groups experience. A report on the findings of the study is to be submitted to Congress within two years of enactment of the legislation.

This study parallels research on airport traffic and air quality currently being conducted at the University of Washington and builds upon the collaborative efforts Congressman Smith has been engaged in with local communities and the Port of Seattle.

Communities have the right to know how they are being impacted by ultrafine particulates in the atmosphere, what the sources of these pollutants are, and whether the use of alternative fuels could reduce those impacts.

“A comprehensive study of the ultrafine materials that jet fuel pollution emits is necessary to begin to develop practical and effective policies to protect impacted communities,” said Congressman Adam Smith. “The evidence from this national study will serve as the foundation for future work at the local, state and federal level to ensure a better quality of life for those experiencing the negative health impacts from airplane emissions.” 

“Studying ultrafine particles found in jet fuel pollution is critical to understanding the potential health impacts on airport communities and what can be done to mitigate negative effects,” said Representative Tina Orwall, D-Des Moines. “Washington state recently funded a study of Sea-Tac airport, one of the fastest growing airports in the nation. While I’m proud that we funded this local study being conducted by the University of Washington, I am very grateful for the leadership of Congressman Adam Smith in seeking to have our federal partners study this further.”

“The Port of Seattle is pleased to support Representative Smith’s effort to create a federal study on ultrafine particles and their relationship to airport-related activity,” 
said Port of Seattle Commissioner John Creighton. “Healthy communities depend upon healthy environments. There is a current lack of data and academic studies on ultrafine particulate emissions resulting from aviation activities, and so we welcome this legislation – as well as the study on this topic that the Port is supporting and co-funding at the state level – as an essential step toward deepening our understanding of this important topic.”

“My constituents are in need of accurate information regarding the presence of ultrafine particle pollution and the potential health risks such particulates pose to themselves and their families,”said Senator Karen Keiser, D-Des Moines. “I thank Congressman Smith for his advocacy and partnership to ensure we have the information and resources we need to protect our communities adjacent to commercial airports.”

“I would like to thank Congressman Smith and all other government partners for listening to my constituents in Federal Way and Des Moines, and for his leadership in Congress on this important issue,” said Representative Mike Pellicciotti, D-Federal Way.

The Congressional Quiet Skies Caucus seeks to raise awareness of the impact of aircraft noise, hold the FAA accountable to the concerns of local communities, and find meaningful legislative and administrative solutions to reduce airplane impacts. As a member of the Quiet Skies Caucus, Congressman Smith has convened roundtable discussions with local elected officials, city officials, and Port of Seattle Commissioners to discuss possible solutions for airplane noise and emissions, including ultrafine particles. Air travel is an economic engine for the Puget Sound Region. Congressman Smith is committed to ensuring the Port of Seattle continues to create economic opportunities for local residents, and finding solutions that will diminish the adverse impacts of air travel and improve the quality of life for local communities.

The Protecting Airport Communities from Particle Emissions Act has been cosponsored by Representatives Jackie Speier (CA-14), Jamie Raskin (MD-08), Pramila Jayapal (WA-07), Jan Schakowsky (IL-09), Anna Eshoo (CA-18), and Mike Quigley (IL-05).

Smith Statement on BRAC Report Showing That DOD Still Has Significant Excess Infrastructure CapacityOctober 25, 2017

Washington, D.C. – Today, House Armed Services Committee Ranking Member Adam Smith (D-WA) made the following statement about the release of the Defense Department (DOD)’s new report on its excess infrastructure capacity.

This month, the Department of Defense submitted the infrastructure capacity report required by the FY2016 National Defense Authorization Act. The report (attached, with a letter from the Secretary of Defense) shows that, even using a baseline of DOD’s larger 2012 force structure instead of the current structure, the Department of Defense has 19% excess infrastructure capacity. That figure includes 29% excess capacity for the Army and 28% excess capacity for the Air Force.

As Secretary of Defense James Mattis writes in his letter accompanying the report, “I must be able to eliminate excess infrastructure in order to shift resources to readiness and modernization.”

Ranking Member Smith’s statement is as follows:

“This report shows that the case for authorizing a new Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) process is extremely strong, even if we plan to substantially increase the size of the military. Even with higher force levels than we have today, 19% of the Defense Department’s infrastructure capacity would be excess to its requirement, including 29% excess capacity for the Army and 28% for excess capacity for the Air Force. That’s a huge amount. We are wasting taxpayer money to maintain buildings and facilities that the military does not need, while we drain away funds for readiness and weaponry that could keep our service members safe and our country secure.”

Ranking Member Smith has long been a leading advocate for authorizing a new Base Realignment and Closure process. This year, he introduced the Military Infrastructure Consolidation and Efficiency Act of 2017 (H.R. 753), which would allow the Department of Defense to make targeted reductions to excess infrastructure capacity, while maintaining sufficient capacity to support contingencies and potential force structure growth in the future. The legislation would also make a number of reforms aimed at increasing congressional oversight, emphasizing savings, controlling cost-growth, strengthening the independent commission, and expediting the completion of the recommendations.


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