Clyburn Statement on Smith’s Amendment to the NDAA on the Confederate Battle Flag
WASHINGTON – Assistant Democratic Leader James E. Clyburn released the following statement on the House Armed Services Committee’s markup of the National Defense Authorization Act: I strongly support Ranking Member Adam Smith’s proposed amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act to bar federal funds for senior ROTC programs from being used by institutions that display […]
Read MoreSmith, Scott, and Cummings Oppose NDAA Amendment to Reward Pervasive Violators of Employment, Non-Discrimination, and Safety Laws with New Government Contracts
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Ranking Members Adam Smith, Robert C. “Bobby” Scott, and Elijah Cummings of, respectively, the House Armed Services Committee, the House Education and the Workforce Committee, and the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform issued the following statements today after learning about forthcoming efforts to ban implementation of the Fair Pay […]
Read MoreKOMO News Connect to Congress: Rep. Adam Smith talks presidential politics and more
ICYMI: I was on KOMO’s Connect to Congress program on last week in Washington, DC, where I discussed my efforts as a member of the Democrat Whip’s Task Force on Income Inequality, my support for criminal justice reform, my work to end the detention bed mandate, and a few news stories of the day. Source: […]
Read MoreCongressman Smith Supports President Obama’s Executive Actions on Immigration
In November 2015, the President took legal and necessary executive action to reform our broken immigration system by expanding both the Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents (DAPA) program and the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. In support of the President’s action, I joined members of the Congressional […]
Read MoreSmith Statement on Equal Pay Day
Washington D.C. –Congressman Adam Smith released the following statement on Equal Pay Day: “We must close the gender pay gap. Despite the many positive transformative changes in our nation’s workforce, women still get paid less for equal work and make 79 cents for every dollar earned compared to their male counterparts. This disparity […]
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