Elect Adam Smith


Congressman Smith Statement on Clean Power PlanAugust 6, 2015


Congressman Adam Smith (D-WA) released the following statement after the President and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the Clean Power Plan:

Pollution from power plants is the single largest source of carbon pollution in the United States and I applaud the EPA and the Administration for their efforts to address it.  The finalization of the Clean Power Plan is a significant step towards combating climate change and conserving our natural resources for future generations.

Climate change and air pollution disproportionately affect low income families, communities of color, and vulnerable populations like children and the elderly. We need to be doing more to protect our community. This final rule sends a strong message that the United States is committed to addressing this issue. As Congress holds hearings and debates on clean energy and climate legislation, I will focus on investing in clean energy and energy efficiency technologies, while reducing our dependence on fossil fuels and combating climate change to ensure the well-being of future generations.

Congressman Smith Supports Legislation to Prevent Social Security Disability CutsAugust 1, 2015


In the Social Security Commission’s annual report released two weeks ago, the Commission warned of major shortfalls in Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) that will result in a 19 percent reduction in benefits for 11 million disabled Americans starting in 2016 if Congress doesn’t act. Last week, I cosponsored the One Social Security Act to prevent these cuts and to help ensure individuals get the benefits they deserve.

It is critical that we preserve the guarantee associated with Social Security and continue the system in a sustainable way. This legislation would prevent 11 million disabled Americans from facing harmful cuts to their Social Security benefits without adding a penny to the deficit and without changing the overall financial standing of the program. By simply unifying the two existing Social Security funds, the One Social Security Act will prevent SSDI from running out, and ensure disabled workers get the benefits they have earned.

A 1956 law required the government to distribute Social Security in two separate funds: one triggered by retirement or death (Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance–or OASDI) and the other by a severe injury or illness (SSDI). This separation makes it harder for the much smaller amount of SSDI beneficiaries to access OASDI funds, despite disabled workers having fully contributed to Social Security as a whole. As a result, Congress has periodically been forced to authorize the transfer of funds between OASDI and SSDI to ensure disabled beneficiaries get what they deserve. This legislation would merge the two funds to streamline Social Security payments and ensure that SSDI beneficiaries do not see their benefits fall in 2016.

Congressman Smith Advocates for Equality and Justice for LGBT AmericansJuly 31, 2015


The June 26th Obergefell v. Hodges decision by the U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) was a victory for justice and equality. Ensuring marriage equality for all Americans regardless of who they love strengthens families, communities, and our nation as a whole. Despite the positive move forward with the Supreme Court’s ruling, significant work remains to ensure equal rights to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community. LGBT people are still denied work, bullied in our schools, and homelessness and poverty rates are still unacceptably high among LGBT people.

I am a proud cosponsor of the Equality Act, which will provide clear and consistent federal non-discrimination protections for LGBT people. Even after the marriage equality victory, a couple who gets married remains at risk of being discriminated against at their place of work due to some states’ lack of anti-discrimination protections for LGBT people. This bill establishes explicit and permanent protections for LGBT individuals in matters of employment, housing, access to public places, federal funding, credit, education and jury service.

Along with cosponsoring the Equality Act, I recently signed two letters that I hope will further advance equality for the LGBT community.

The first letter was directed to the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) addressing the FDA’s recent Draft Guidance regarding blood donation restrictions for men who have sex with men (MSM). Currently, there is a lifetime deferral from donating blood for MSM, and the FDA’s recent change would implement a one-year deferral period based solely on the sex of a man’s partner and not their risk. This new policy continues to uniformly and unfairly ban many men from donating blood based solely on the fact that they are gay or bisexual, and not on their individual risk, perpetuating outdated stereotypes of the gay and bisexual community. The letter asks the FDA to make meaningful changes to address the inadequacies and discrimination in the current system.

I also signed a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry to express my concerns about recent reports that American LGBT Foreign Service Officers are sometimes denied an equal opportunity to represent the United States abroad because foreign governments refuse to recognize their same sex marriages. The letter called upon the State Department to send a forceful message that all American families must be treated equally.

With strides forward such as the SCOTUS ruling, we are closer to ensuring equality and justice for the LGBT community. No one should be denied equal rights because of who they love, and I will continue to fight for policies that ensure LGBT equality.

Congressman Smith Statement on Donnie ChinJuly 28, 2015


Congressman Adam Smith (D-WA) made the following statement after hearing about the death of Donnie Chin:

I am deeply saddened to hear about the death of Donnie Chin. As the director of the International District Emergency Center, Donnie helped provide critical support and emergency services to the International District and he will be greatly missed. My thoughts are with his family and friends at this difficult time.

Anniversary of Last Minimum Wage Increase Highlights Need to Address InequalityJuly 28, 2015


July 26th marked the 6-year anniversary of the last time the minimum wage was increased. Over the last few decades, cost of living has continued to rise while the minimum wage has been stagnant. As a result, workers with full-time jobs that pay minimum wage are no longer able to provide for their families. Income inequality in America has grown and wealth has become more concentrated in the hands of fewer Americans.

Addressing this issue is central to establishing wage equality for all workers but particularly women, as female employees are 60% more likely to be paid minimum wage than male employees.

I have consistently supported federal and local initiatives to increase the minimum wage, and was pleased to see the President institute an executive order that will raise the minimum wage to $10.10 per hour for those working on new federal contracts.

In the current Congress, I am a proud original co-sponsor of the Raise the Wage Act introduced by Senator Patty Murray and Education and Workforce Chairman Bobby Scott. This legislation would raise the minimum wage nationwide to $12.00 per hour by 2020. As our economy continues to recover from the Great Recession, we need policies that support investing in our workforce to ensure that everyone is sharing in the recovery. Increasing the national minimum wage to $12 an hour by 2020 would do so by making sure that hardworking employees earn a living wage.

In the 113th Congress, I supported raising the minimum wage both by cosponsoring the Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2013 and by signing a discharge petition on raising the federal minimum wage.

My father, who worked as a baggage handler for United Airlines decades ago, made more money than someone doing the same job today. We need to ensure that American workers earn enough to support their families and make ends meet. I am committed to working with my colleagues so that the basic American premise still holds true — that if you work hard and are responsible, no matter the circumstances of your birth, you will have the chance to pursue your ambitions and achieve your full potential.

Reichert, Smith Bill on Mountain to Sound Greenway Gaining SupportJuly 21, 2015


On June 25, 2015, Congressman Dave Reichert and Congressman Adam Smith reintroduced legislation that would establish the Mountains to Sound Greenway National Heritage Area. This designation would help to preserve our region’s scenic natural lands and wildlife habitat, while also recognizing its economic benefit through the promotion of outdoor recreation, tourism, and agriculture.

Just days after the reintroduction of the Mountains to Sound Greenway National Heritage Act, the legislation received broad support from several organizations, community groups, and local elected officials. The diverse coalition of organizations and community members supporting this effort speaks to the value our community places on protecting our environment for generations to come. Below are statements of support for the Act, as well as an excerpt from Crosscut’s recent feature on the legislation and efforts to support it.

Les Welsh, Regional Executive Director, Pacific Regional Center, National Wildlife Federation

“We applaud Congressman Smith’s efforts to designate the Mountains to Sound Greenway and add important public recognition to a space that is enormously valuable to both people and wildlife in the backyard of the Washington’s largest metropolitan area.”

Councilmember Larry Gossett, King County

“The creation of the Greenway has been a major effort that King County has taken the lead on over the past 20 years, investing well over $100 million in land acquisition and recreational development.”

Josh Brown, Executive Director, Puget Sound Regional Council

“The Mountains to Sound Greenway is an important component of VISION 2040, the region’s integrated strategy to ensure the well-being of people and communities, economic vitality, and a healthy environment as we grow.”

Gene Duvernoy, Executive Director, Forterra 

“Such a designation will further empower a consensus-based approach for the continued care and improvement of the Greenway—a model proven successful by the remarkable achievements of the Greenway coalition over the last 20 years. It is yet another means of achieving the goals of the Cascade Agenda and ensuring a livable place for us all.”

Terri Butler, Executive Director, Sustainable Seattle

“We at Sustainable Seattle have found that our members grew to appreciate the earth and the importance of keeping it healthy through their own personal positive experiences in the outdoors, either as children or later in life”

Patrick Bannon, President, Bellevue Downtown Association

“Bellevue residents and businesses benefit from having world-class recreation at our doorstep. The Greenway is an attraction for top employers and talent, helping to keep our local and regional economy strong.”

Bruce Bassett, Mayor, City of Mercer Island

“As a city within the Mountains to Sound Greenway, Mercer Island shares the vision of a connected landscape extending from the shores of Puget Sound, across the Cascade crest and into the central portion of Washington State, providing scenic beauty, outstanding recreation and a high quality of life for this region.”

Elizabeth Stewart, Executive Director, Renton Historical Society

“This area exemplifies the rich and storied history of our region, and we support recognizing the uniqueness of this region by designating the Greenway with a fitting national label.”

Janet Ray, Assistant Vice President, AAA Washington, Bellevue

National Heritage Area designation will create a framework that will provide a higher profile and enhanced reputation for this corridor and allow it to become even more a destination for heritage and recreational travelers, a goal of our company since its inception.”

Ranking Member Adam Smith on Iran AgreementJuly 18, 2015


House Armed Services Committee Ranking Member Adam Smith (D-WA) made the following comments after the Administration announced it has reached a deal on Iran’s nuclear program: 

I applaud the Administration for all of its hard work. From the harsh sanctions that brought Iran to the table, to the strenuous and lengthy negotiations that have brought us to this point, the Administration has worked tirelessly to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.

I look forward to thoroughly reviewing the agreement announced today. We cannot let our desire for a deal allow us to accept a bad deal. And we cannot allow politics to stand in the way of a good deal. In the coming days, Congress will have the opportunity to scrutinize the deal presented today. It is my hope that Congress takes advantage of this time to honestly review the deal and determine whether it is in the best interest of the United States to move forward. This potential agreement comes on the heels of a long history of mistrust and cheating by Iran. Consolation with our allies and a strong inspections and verification regime will be vital to the success of this agreement.

Again, I applaud the Obama Administration for the progress it has made thus far and look forward to reviewing this agreement in far greater detail.

Smith Statement on Increasing Overtime ThresholdJuly 10, 2015


Congressman Adam Smith (D-WA) released the following statement on the President’s proposal to increase the overtime threshold from $23,660 to $50,440:

I applaud the President for taking action to extend overtime pay protections. This proposal will allow 5 million American workers to take home the money they have earned. The overtime threshold has not been raised in decades, and in the meantime income inequality has increased and average workers have been feeling squeezed. Now, the bottom 90 percent of Americans own just 23 percent of total U.S. wealth.

We must be doing more to invest in the worker to build a strong middle class. I will continue to work and advocate for policies that respect workers and the dignity of work. This change by President Obama is a step in the right direction.

Congressman Smith’s Statement on Supreme Court’s Ruling on Marriage EqualityJune 30, 2015


Congressman Adam Smith (D-WA) released the following statement after the Supreme Court ruling on Obergefell v. Hodges:

Friday’s decision by the Supreme Court is a victory for justice and equality. Ensuring marriage equality for all Americans regardless of who they love strengthens families, communities, and our nation as a whole. I stand with the LGBT community and the rest of our country in celebrating this monumental step towards equality.

Today, we celebrate this victory, but we must remain committed to fighting for LGBT equality. Despite the ruling today, significant work remains to ensure equal rights to the LGBT community. LGBT people are still denied work, bulled in our schools, and homelessness and poverty rates are still unacceptably high among LGBT people. I will continue to advocate and fight for policies that ensure equality and justice for the LGBT community.

Smith Pushes For End to Family DetentionJune 28, 2015


Congressman Adam Smith (D-WA) released the following statement regarding the Department of Homeland Security’s revised plan to limit family detention:

The Department of Homeland Security’s revised plan for family detention again fails to address the real issue. We must end family detention, not mend it. Jailing children and mothers has devastating impacts on these families and in order to truly fix this problem we must implement more sensible, humane, and cost-effective alternatives to detention. Our government must get out of the business of detaining families.

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