Elect Adam Smith

Smith statement on House Passage of the Continuing ResolutionJanuary 3, 2018

Washington D.C. – Congressman Adam Smith issued a statement following the passage of H.R. 1370, making further additional continuing appropriations for Fiscal Year 2018.

“The Republicans just reneged on their responsibility to properly fund the federal government because they were too busy giving away a $1.5 trillion dollar tax cut to corporations and the wealthy. By falling back on another short-term continuing resolution, almost a quarter of year past the due date for proper appropriations bills, they have clearly demonstrated that they are not willing to do their job.   Their lack of action will directly and negatively affect the people who reside in the Ninth Congressional District and across the country.

House Republicans cannot continue to punt their responsibilities.  We must do the job that we have been elected to do; particularly enacting a comprehensive budget that fairly funds important priorities, such as education, job growth, protection of the environment, and our national security.  We also need to bring up the legislation necessary to ensure DREAMers can remain at home in this country, and not live in fear of their families being pulled apart.  Inaction on these vital issues is unacceptable.”

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