Smith Statement on President Trump’s Reinstatement of the Global Gag Rule
Congressman Adam Smith released the following statement in response to President Trump’s decision to reinstate the Global Gag Rule. Also known as the Mexico City Policy, this rule was first introduced in 1984 at the U.N. International Conference on Population held in Mexico City, and is a global barrier to comprehensive women’s health care.
“In reinstating the Global Gag Rule as one of his first executive orders, President Donald Trump has undone years of progress. International family planning programs are very important for fostering manageable and healthy families around the world. By supporting international family planning efforts, we can help families around the world avoid extreme poverty, lack of access to health care, educational, and economic opportunities. Even without this step backwards, U.S. funds are already prohibited from being used to perform or promote abortion services abroad by the Helms Amendment to the 1973 U.S. Foreign Assistance Act.
“I am deeply disappointed that only a day after the 44th Anniversary of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that upheld a woman’s right to choose, President Trump has shown a flagrant disregard for women’s health across the world by limiting free speech and access to family planning services.”